Nicholas Vaughan
My Kingdom For A Croissant (Part II)
Thursday 25th November | 5:30pm - 7:30pm
A week, so the saying goes, is a long time in politics. Two years in Covid is apparently even longer. Originally booked to take place in November 2020 ‘My Kingdom For A Croissant’ will finally be realised in the ‘Real-World’ in November 2021.
As we emerge from a continual series of pandemic lockdowns, ‘My Kingdom For A Croissant (Part II)’ picks up where its online virtual gallery counterpart left off earlier in the year. A dystopian fantasy world populated by characters that seem strangely familiar yet somehow not quite right. This raucous collision of ideas inspired by theme parks, Brexit, Gulliver’s Travels and all overseen by Mayor Larry from Jaws, looks at cultural and racial stereotypes and how migration and racism have become key players in the ongoing culture wars.
My Kingdom For A Croissant is also available as a print-on-demand book by the artist which can be ordered here
‘Tunnel of Tusks’ (Collage. 2020) was exhibited as part of the John Moore’s Painting Prize Exhibition 2021. It will also feature in ‘My Kingdom For A Croissant’.
Exhibition Remains Open
Sunday 28th November | 1pm - 3pm By Appointment Only Book Here
Monday 29th November | 11:30am - 2:30pm
Thursday 2nd December | 11:30am - 2:30pm
Thursday 2nd December | 5 - 7pm
Monday 6th December | 11:30am - 2:30pm
Thursday 9th December | 11:30am - 2:30pm
Sunday 12th December | 2pm - 4pm By Appointment Only Book Here
Monday 13th December | 11:30am - 2:30pm
Thursday 16th December | 11:30 - 2:30pm
Christmas Break 2021 - 2022
Monday 3rd January | 11:30am - 2:30pm
Thursday 6th January |11:30pm - 2:30pm
Sunday 9th January | 2pm - 4pm By Appointment Only Book Here
Monday 10th January | 11am - 2pm
Thursday 13th January | 11am - 2pm
Sunday 16th January | 2pm - 4pm By Appointment Only Book Here
Monday 17th January | 11am - 2pm
Thursday 20th January | 11am - 2pm
Sunday 23rd January | 2pm - 4pm Open Studio
Monday 24th January | 11am - 2pm
Thursday 27th January | 11am - 2pm
Sunday 30th January | 1pm - 3pm By Appointment Only Book Here
Monday 31st January | 11:30am - 2:30pm
Thursday 3rd February | 11:30am - 2:30pm
Sunday 6th February | 2pm - 4pm By Appointment Only Book Here
Monday 7th February | 11:30am - 2:30pm
Thursday 10th February | 11:30am - 2:30pm
Saturday 12th February | 9am -12pm Collaging / Newspaper Workshop Book Here
Saturday 12th February | 2 - 5pm ONLINE Collaging / Newspaper Workshop
Sunday 13th February | 1pm - 3pm By Appointment Only Book Here
Monday 14th February | 11:30am - 2:30pm
Thursday 17th February | 11:30am - 2:30pm
Saturday 19th February | 9am -12pm Collaging / Newspaper Workshop Book Here
Saturday 19th February | 2 - 5pm ONLINE Collaging / Newspaper Workshop
Sunday 20th February | 2pm - 4pm By Appointment Only Book Here
Sunday 27th February | 2pm - 4pm Open Studio
🥐 Lunchtime Conversation with Nicholas Vaughan 🥐
Wednesday 1st December 6-7pm
In a break with tradition we are having a special Teatime Conversation event with current BasementArtsProject incumbent Nicholas Vaughan.
On the evening of Wednesday 1st December at 6pm we invite you to come and have tea with BasementArtsProject and our current artist Nicholas Vaughan.
Chilli (Pork) & Rice
Chilli (Tuscan Bean - Vegan) & Rice
Tea. Coffee. Juice.
Mince Pies & Mulled Wine w/ Nicholas Vaughan
Thursday 16th December | 7pm - 9pm
About Nicholas Vaughan
Nicholas Vaughan is a Wakefield based artist, whose work often revolves around political themes from British history over the last forty years. For this exhibition he turns his attention to the current situation regarding Brexit and the cultural life of 21st Century Britain, creating for BasementArtsProject a series of wild and satirical sculptures and collages.
Totem Explorer Online Workshop
Materials for those taking part in the online collage workshops on 12th & 19th February 12-4pm
Supported with funding from Leeds Inspired, part of Leeds City Council.