BasementOverground: Meine Welt Auf Corona
Meine Welt Auf Corona is an exhibition curated and organised by Silvia Liebig taking place in Dortmund; Germany, Leeds’ twinned city. The exhibition is a response to how artists have dealt with life during the pandemic, some having been completely locked down, others having second jobs that have required them to act as key workers alongside their practice. The exhibition features work by artists from Dortmund, Vienna and Leeds and is a single tale told from many different perspectives and in a number of different languages.
Featured artists: BasementArtsProject (UK), Martin Brandt (Germany), Stephanie Brych (Germany), Maria Hanl (Austria), Maren Kames (Germany), Silvia Liebig (Germany), Christiane Spatt (Austria)
Thanx go to those who organised and worked on the exhibition in Germany, without whom it would not have happened: Martin Brandt, Ralf Wasserman, Rudolf Preuss, Volker Kreiger, Christian Ihrig and Hendrick Müller for their technical expertise, to Claudia Eberbach and Sophie Schmidt of Dortmund City Council, and to Klaus Lenser for the radio interview.
A personal thank you to Silvia Liebig and Ralf Wasserman for hosting me for the duration of my stay in Dortmund.
On Behalf of BasementArtsProject I would like to thank all of those who have contributed to the Lockdown Journal over the last 18 months that was the focus of our part in this exhibition:
Keith Ackerman, Adekola, Art Couple, Lina Bentley, Beyond Photography, Michael Borkowsky, Obie Butcher, Kimbal Quist Bumstead, C Nick, Clare Charnley, Donna Coleman, CuratorSpace, Deborah Davies (Roseytints), Dwell Time, Alan Dunn, Paul Digby, Howard Eaglestone, Pippa Eason, Timothy Forster, Chuck Hamilton, Chloe Harris, Lou Hazelwood, Phill Hopkins, Khansa Khadim, Sohail Khan, Silvia Liebig, Raksha Patel, Ian Pepper, Scott Christian Senogles, Richard Taylor, Mark Staniforth, Rebecca Wade, Nicholas Vaughan, Yol