Claire Angel Bonner | Once Upon A Time . . . | Wednesday 6th March 2024
Wednesday 6th March
St Luke’s Cares Charity Shop: Event Space | 2pm | Free
BasementArtsProject | 7:30pm | £11.29 £10 There is no longer a booking fee
All money raised through the sale of tickets will go towards Claire’s travels to bring her to Leeds as part of this tour
As Eventbrite has now started charging for use of their system we are moving over to a more ad-hoc system that will make the tickets cheaper anyway. Tickets now £10
Please make a Payment/Bank Transfer directly to:
Bank Account: BasementArtsProject CIC
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 67265066
Reference: CAB-your initials-Number of tickets (eg: CAB-BD-3)
We will email a ticket as soon as we your receive payment
‘Once upon a time…’
…A lifetime's journey in music and words.
Presented by Claire Angel Bonner, solo 19th century guitar and spoken word.
Claire Angel Bonner | Home: Lost & Found | ‘The Corner’ Pocket Sculpture Park | September 2023
Four simple words of invitation, welcoming us into a world of unlimited imagination, where the potential for human expression lives unfettered by the mundane restraints and realities of our everyday lives, where our dreams can take flight. And where the universal experiences of being human find voice.
We step through the looking glass to find our true selves in the fantastical, through words and images and music.
Here then is a musical Once upon a time.
A lifetime's journey articulated in melody and harmony, in music by or arranged by the Romantic guitarist-composer Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806-1856) and accompanied by spoken word.
Claire Angel Bonner | Home: Lost & Found | BasementArtsProject | September 2023
The nostalgia of childhood so deftly captured in the rippling arpeggios and lilting rhythms of Mertz's Kindermärchen (Children's fairytale), the aching hope and youthful yearning of unrequited love in Schubert's serenade Standchen, and the declarations of love from Rossini's protagonists in The Barber of Seville, united and strong in their determination to write their own happy ending.
The pounding heartbeat and anguished despair in Mertz's Il pianto dell'amante (The lover's cry), and the profound sorrow of his Elégie. And finally when the grief has exhausted us, peace and resolution in the almost religious calm and simplicity of his Gebeth (Prayer).
So whose is it, this lifetime's journey, this once upon a time? Yours? That's for you to know. Mine? Not really. Although, perhaps it is in part.
What is for sure is that the threads that it pulls together, the experiences and emotions that it expresses, belong to all of us, and their articulation allows each of us to write our own Once upon a time..
Combining music and spoken word, this performance includes original texts by Claire Angel Bonner.
Kindermärchen - Johann Kaspar Mertz
Ständchen - Franz Schubert/Mertz
Fantasia su Il Barbiere di Siviglia - Giacomo Rossini/Mertz
Pianto dell'amante - Mertz
Elégie - Mertz
Gebeth - Mertz