But Not Forever . . . . . .
As we move further into 2020 it is time for an update on what is happening here at BasementArtsProject with regards to our programme.
Forthcoming 2020 Projects . . .
After waiting as long as we possibly could to see how far the country has progressed with regards to the Covid-19 guidelines, we have had to concede our next show to lockdown rules. The next exhibition of drawings by Donna Coleman will still go ahead but at a later date. We will confirm the new date further down the line when the country has started to open up to gatherings again.
The Screen Will Not Touch The Void | Donna Coleman POSTPONED
We will make an announcement regarding Sharon McDonagh’s July exhibition in the coming week after the Sunday 10th May Cabinet Briefing on restrictions.
Studio Journal / Lockdown Journal
In the meantime, we have been curating an online journal for artists who wish to let people know what they are doing during this time of enforced isolation. You can find the Lockdown Journal posts at https://www.basementartsproject.com/studio-journal
Big thanx go to: Alan Dunn, Phill Hopkins, Clare Charnley, Obie Butcher, Nicholas Vaughan, Rebecca Wade, Richard Taylor, Lou Hazelwood, Beyond Photography, Lina Bentley, Mark Staniforth, Chuck Hamilton, Dwell Time, Scott Senogles, Ian Pepper, Khansa Khadim, YOL, Harley and Parker , Art Couple and Michael Borkowsky, many of whom have contributed multiple posts, and also to those that have submitted work still to be published . . .
Lou Hazelwood: Landscapes of the (Un)known ONLINE
Documentation of the only project to open so far this year is now up online on our website at https://www.basementartsproject.com/landscapes-of-the-unknown This includes, photographs, a Virtual Tour narrated by myself and the artist, and video of a Lunchtime Conversation event conducted via Zoom
Lou Hazelwood unique prints for sale in support of BasementArtsProject
Lou Hazelwood has also donated five unique prints from her ‘Landscapes of the (Un)known’ series to be sold in support of BasementArtsProject. To purchase one of these unframed prints all you have to do is name your price and contact Bruce Davies on basementartsproject@gmail.com
Landscape Darkroom 1 (140mmx90mm)
Landscape Darkroom 2 (165mmx215mm)
Landscape Darkroom 3 (63mmx90mm)
Landscape Darkroom 4 (140mmx90mm)
Landscape Darkroom 5 (140mmx90mm)
Aire Place Studios Fundraiser
A fundraiser is also underway in support of Aire Place Studios.
Also, in support of Aire Place future BasementArtsProject artist Lina Bentley is producing work to sell in aid of their fundraising efforts. More details on how to buy one of her editions can be found at https://www.basementartsproject.com/studio-journal/2020/4/3/lockdown-journal-covid-1914-lina-bentley or at the artists Instagram site https://www.instagram.com/lina.bentley/
Aura / Wishes (2020) Lina Bentley
On The Corner
Last year’s ongoing major project that was part of Index Festival and the Yorkshire Sculpture International, will continue once the lockdown restrictions have been lifted. Documentation of the completed elements of this project, A House Within A Home by Phill Hopkins, Pitched by Jadene Imbusch and Conversations On The Corner can be found online at:
A House Within A Home
Conversations On The Corner
During lockdown BasementArtsProject is continuing work on fundraising and permissions for the two public sculptures by Keith Ackerman and Dominic Hopkinson. These two projects will resume as soon as restrictions on the public realm are lifted. Watch this space . . .
Jacob’s Ladder
Nature of Balance